Senaste positiva användarrecensionen(Användarrecensioner är inte verifierade)
Senaste negativa användarrecensionen(Användarrecensioner är inte verifierade)
På ytan ser NordVPN ut som en riktigt imponerande tjänst. De påstår sig ha ett enormt globalt servernätverk, en snabb och pålitlig anslutning och stensäkra säkerhets- och integritetsfunktioner. Dessutom kan du få allt för bara $3.39/month. Det låter bra, men finns det en hake?
För att ta reda på det gjorde jag en djupgående analys av NordVPN. Jag testade deras hastigheter och hur ...
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Senaste positiva användarrecensionen
The Best of The Best
I simply tested all VPNs looking for cutting-edge online security, I tested the most expensive and the... most talked about virtual anonymity, none made me as happy as NordVPN, it stands out for several reasons that the much more expensive ones it doesn't have, its double encryption, dedicated IPs, onion VPN, makes NordVPN unique, with almost 6,000 servers around the world and 12 million customers like me, you can see that NordVPN is not playing games with its customers and their online security , it always innovates to keep you more secure day after day, for a fair price in the long term and without sacrificing the speed of your connection, recently Nord is developing a new VPN protocol, Nordlynx a version still under construction derived from the Wireguard protocol, if you want to have a VPN of last security that think how it will make you more secure in the next month NordVPN is the right choice, I am completely thankful for being a customer and for finding what to me is the perfect VPN.Mer
Senaste negativa användarrecensionen
BUYER BEWARE! If you purchase NordVPN, it will throttle your interned speed/connectivity by 50%, like ... it did to mine. I pay $100/month to get speeds of nearly 600mbs. With NordVPN turned on, my speeds decrease to 250mbs.
Nord’s “customer support” is useless and unprofessional, and, after nearly 3 weeks of endless “try this, try that”, they were unable to resolve the issue and blamed it on everything under the sun except their product, when it is OBVIOUS that, since I have zero speed issues with Nord turned off, and ONLY experience the issues with Nord turned on, it is NordVPN that is causing the issue.
When I asked them for a refund of my one year subscription paid in advance and in good faith, they refused, and have now decided to ignore me.
So, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. Their VPN will devastate your internet speeds, their “support” is ridiculous, they are in denial, and they will not refund your money, even if their product is a failure…Mer
ActiVPN kallar sig själva "världens snabbaste VPN", och erbjuder en högkvalitativ VPN-tjänst som har ett antal fördelar för dem som vill ha mer säkerhet och integritet när de är på webben. De är ett växande företag, och har för närvarande 29 VPN-servrar runt om i världen. Några av de länder som har ActiVPN-servrar är USA, som har fem servrar, Frankrike, som har sex servrar, sam...
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Senaste positiva användarrecensionen
Customer service was very helpful. Netflix works well
Customer service was very helpful. Netflix works well
Senaste negativa användarrecensionen
Service devenu NUL
IL y a 3 ans c était top, Maintenant le Peer To Peer bloqué, Netflix France Bloqué service client ne r... épond pas, les serveurs ont très peu de bande passante et pas forcement un bon ping, ne compter jouer avec.....A FUIREMer